No resolutions for me. I’m just trying.

“I’m trying…” To get a post written and posted every day this year, EXCEPT on the weekends when I will be visiting all of you, reading and commenting on your posts.
“I’m trying…” To eat healthier.
“I’m trying…” To figure out some kind of workable sleep pattern.
And, as always, “I’m trying not to swear so much this year.” Unfortunately, Joanne’s online is making this fucking impossible!

Every time I make an online order with Joanne’s I regret it, and every time I vow never to order from their online store again. Apparently, I just enjoy being irritated as shit so I continue to try, thinking and hoping that one day they take a page out of Amazon and at least attempt to make the online ordering process semi-successful. I don’t know if any of you have ordered from Joanne’s online but my first bit of advice would be, just say fucking no, and my second piece of advice would be DO NOT track your packages. I don’t know why Joanne’s online can’t send all of your shit on the same day or close to the same day by the same fucking delivery company.

Tracking my packages was like playing Where’s Waldo or following Dora the Explorer all around the fucking globe! My orders came from Ohio, Washington, and California. Then, just for fun, everything sat in St. Lake City, Utah for days! My first package was missing over half of my order. The second package was missing 3 items. The third package had 2 of the 3 missing items and I’m still waiting on my mother f-ing silver metallic acrylic paint!
Joanne is not good for my “I’m trying not to swear so much this year.” Nor is she good for my mood blanket!
Dear Joanne, you suck.

WRITING PROMPT – My one-word writing prompt for the day is… –
**** I’m surprised at our weather ahead. I’m in the valley, 1″- 2″ inches. I’d rather have the mountain snow but I’m thankful for ANY snow in the valley.

AT THE CREATION STATION – I’m still working with watercolor and getting my crochet time in.

I can’t believe he died. I have a Christmas story about David Soul but that’s for another post. Today I’m just sad. It feels like a tiny piece of my heart broke.
Rest in peace… <3 

This weekend do something that is good for your “Soul” and don’t forget to share it with me in the comments. <3 

True story…

<3 Mimi <3


It’s so anti-climactic. Does anybody else feel this way?

Because I love writing prompts, my writing prompt today is…

**** “Something you’re looking forward to in the next 12 months.

**** I am most looking forward to my oldest grandson graduating and yet, I’m not. I can’t quite connect the dots because in my mind he’s still 5 yrs. old. Can I just tell you, if I could have one superpower it would be the power to slow time. This Mimi is just not ready for this… And then next year my other grandson graduates. It’s just too much.
Rod Stewart says it best.

“… May the good Lord be with you
Down every road, you roamAnd may sunshine and happinessSurround you when you’re far from homeAnd may you grow to be proudDignified and trueAnd do unto othersAs you’d have done to you

Be courageous and be braveAnd in my heart, you’ll always stayForever young, forever youngForever young, forever young…”


–  I’m working with my watercolors.
–  I started a crochet mood blanket in granny squares. You just pick the colors you want to represent your moods and crochet a granny square in that color for that day. My squares are 2 inches but your squares can be whatever size you want. There are all kinds of tutorials on YouTube.
–  And last but not least. I’m working on unfinished projects from last year and the year before that and the year before that…


I think the world is in a bad place right now and I hope we can all figure out how to get it to a good place.
In the U.S. I feel like we’ve traveled back in time and once again we’ve got a bunch of old, white men calling the shots. We need better presidential candidates on both sides.
And what is with all of these moms killing their kids??? And little kids, elementary school, shooting each other?

I hope your “ber” month holidays were good and that you all made it onto Santa’s nice list. Surprisingly, I made it. I was so bummed that we didn’t have any snow for Christmas. I mean, it’s still Christmas and that’s wonderful but the snow just makes it magical and cozy. We’re supposed to get snow this month. I’d of rather had it all last month but I’ll take it because I love snow!

How is the New Year starting out for you? All 2 days of it, I know, but hey, a lot can happen in 2 days! My wish for everyone this year is good health! I had a really bad case of Covid and thought I was going to die. It lasted weeks and it was rough. So, good health for everyone this year and all years!


<3 Mimi <3


No… Not this door…

Besides, didn’t we all know those mystery dates were dating each other?

This door?
I’m no longer married which means I’ve missed my chance to be featured on the show “SNAPPED!”
Damn it. I was so hoping…

How about this door?
No… Once again, I’m no longer married so, no more in-laws to visit.

This door?
May we all choose doors that turn our dreams into reality.

I am praying for peace for our entire world.
Please share your gifts.

<3 Mimi <3