12 thoughts on “WORDLESS WEDNESDAY – Don’t blink…

  1. oh my gosh! It goes so fast! My oldest grand baby just finished kindergarten. I don’t want him to grow up😢


    1. It does.. And every time I see a mama stressing in the store with kiddos, I tell her, it’s okay. Take the moment… I miss everything about my kids being little and everything about my grandkids being little.


  2. You’re right, don’t blink. They do grow up so fast. Congratulations on the graduate.

    I linked this post to Wordless Wednesday.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Karen. Love and hugs. ♥


    1. Omgosh Sandee.. I cried all day. He’s such a good kid and he was a sweet little boy and just like that he’s trading his Spiderman hat for a cap and tassel. If I had one super power it would be to slow down time.. Thank you Sandee. xoxo

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  3. I get this. My oldest grand is 30 and a mother herself now. The youngest, the twins, are two already when it seems like just last week I was holding a four pound preemie in my arms. her sister was five pounds and now they are running around learning to throw and kick a ball.


    1. Do you ever get used to that flash of time moving at warp speed because I don’t think I ever will. My mom told me that time moved faster the older you got. I didn’t understand her then. I do now. – Thank you for stopping by.


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